A technology that can easily distinguish counterfeit E-liquid
In our shopping process, perhaps everyone has the experience of buying fakes. Many times we can distinguish the quality of products through the naked eye. But with the same product, it is difficult for us to distinguish its quality by the naked eye, that is, liquid products. For liquid products, we can only distinguish the true and false products through its packaging. As for the quality of the liquid inside, we can hardly distinguish.
The counterfeiting of liquid products and other products will be more serious. Other products need to take into account the use and effect, so the actual function of the product can still be satisfied, but the liquid product is different, it only needs to get the packaging, the liquid inside It doesn't matter what it is. If it is a liquid product for consumption, the harm will be great.
E-liquid is also a liquid product. Counterfeiting of E-liquid on the market is easier to achieve, because most of the E-liquid bottles die the same, and the counterfeiters only need to get the label of the bottle. Although there are many techniques on the Internet to distinguish the quality of vapes through the taste of vapes, the taste of vapes varies from person to person, making it even more difficult for novices.
It has been reported that a method has been developed to identify counterfeit E-liquids using handheld scanning technology. Not only does it prove that E-liquid does not match the contents of its label, but it also provides a chemical "fingerprint" that links it to the manufacturer.
Reports indicate that fake E-liquids include liquids that contain a certain composition or an incorrect concentration, and in particular contain less or more nicotine or other substances than the label. The problem now is that there is currently no way to accurately determine the composition of an E-liquid, and there is no official certification mechanism to ensure the authenticity of the label content.
It is reported that this technique works by emitting near-infrared light to a sample, and different components reflect light or absorb light in different amounts. That is to say, this method will get a fingerprint-like spectrum that one can use to identify the physical and chemical properties of E-liquid. After that, it is compared with the spectral library by an algorithm to evaluate the possibility of the label containing the label in the E-liquid.
This distinguishing counterfeit E-liquid technology sounds feasible, but it feels that the price will not be too low. It is difficult to say whether it meets the needs of general vape users. E-liquid manufacturers generally do not announce E- Liquid's various raw materials and ratios, so whether this technology can really be practical is not necessarily. In general, this technology seems to be more suitable for merchants or senior vape evaluation players.