Research shows: young vape users are less likely to switch to cigarettes
According to Vapingpost, recently, France conducted a study to determine whether "vape will increase the likelihood of young smokers turning into daily smokers." However, the results of the study show the opposite.
The researchers used retrospective data from nearly 40,000 participants in the 2017 National Survey of France to analyze the link between vape and smoking. The number of participants with a history of smoking was 21,401. In this group, adolescents who reported having used vape were less likely than those who transitioned to daily smoking at the age of 17.
The researchers found that this method remains the same whether the vape is used before or after smoking. To this end, the researchers concluded that there is no evidence that vape will cause smoking, "Our research found that there is no evidence that people who used vape at the age of 17 will increase the risk of smoking every day. They also use e -cigarette for experiments. Further research should use causal reasoning to study the long-term effect of vape on future smoking habits. "