Scotland: Passive smoking is reduced by 80% in prison!
Views: 391 Update date: May 16,2019
In Scotland, smoking has been banned in prison for several months. Early reports showed that passive smoking levels fell by 80% in the first week after the smoking ban was implemented. The good news is that Vape has nothing to do with this result.
The study confirms that the risk of exposure to secondhand smoke has been greatly reduced and that over time, this will have a positive impact on the health of prison staff and prisoners.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Stirling compared smoke levels with 2016 measurements. Not surprisingly, they found that the situation in the country’s 15 prisons has improved. Scientists say air quality has improved despite fears that prisoners will store their cigarettes before the November ban.
Dr. Sean Semper has collected more than 110,000 passive smoking measures. “Our research shows that passive smoking levels have improved in all prisons in Scotland, with an average reduction of 81%.” Adding “The concentration of fine particulate matter in the prison air has now fallen to levels similar to those measured in the Scottish outdoor air,” he said. s level. ”
Vape is still allowed in the Scottish prison, and the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) provides free Vape for prisoners who wish to smoke.
A spokesperson for the Scottish Prison Service said: “All Scottish prisons became non-smoking areas on November 30, 2018, and there were no major incidents as a result of this incident. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the contributions of all our staff, especially frontline work. The contribution of personnel and the cooperation of third-party staff."