The New Zealand vape Association recommends emulating the British vape advertising regulations
According to reports, the British Public Health (PHE) recently released its latest report on vape. As the New Zealand Parliament prepares to enact vape regulations, the New Zealand vape Industry Association (VTANZ) urges local lawmakers to remove the ban on vape advertising from the PHE's rule book.
The latest commentary published by PHE: "Vaping in England: Summary of Evidence Update 2020" states that the fear of vape errors is preventing many smokers from switching to vapes, which PHE has long recognized.
At the same time, although the New Zealand Ministry of Health recognizes the benefits of harm reduction using vape and smokeless tobacco, the proposed vape bill still prohibits all forms of advertising. In response, the local vape association VTANZ pointed out that it does not make sense not to communicate the relative health benefits of the device.
"A comprehensive advertising ban is short-term. We must be able to communicate the benefits of our products to adult smokers in a limited manner in order to translate them into products that are 95% less harmful."
To this end, VTANZ urges New Zealand lawmakers to refer to the PHE report. "The gradual, pragmatic policy adopted by the UK on vape reminds our legislators that wise regulation can improve public health. In the UK, smoking rates continue to decline rapidly, and our parliament needs to reflect on how to achieve this goal." VTANZ Spokesperson Jonathan Devery said.
Devery added that the government's restrictions on flavoring vape products may cause the country's smoking rate to rise. "The UK report highlights how adults like condiments, how they become the key to smoking cessation, and how fruits easily become the favorite flavor among adults. When asked, many worried British smokers said If the use of spices is prohibited, they will illegally purchase spices, and other vape users will re-smoking. Therefore, the British government will not ban seasoning in the short term!"
Regarding the proposed advertising ban, Devrey said that the England report also showed how effectively the advertising ban compared to the general ban. "In the UK, there are strict restrictions on advertising, strict monitoring and clear implementation. In New Zealand, a similar system can be easily implemented, which protects young people, but also allows the industry to promote vape as an adult smoking cessation tool ."
Although there is a wide range of flavors in the UK and the advertising is allowed to be restricted, the report reviewed three national youth surveys and found no evidence of the so-called prevalence of smoking among young people. Devrey pointed out that researchers at the University of Auckland recently reached the same conclusion in New Zealand when evaluating an extensive 10th grade survey.
"The British Ministry of Public Health has always maintained that atomized tobacco is 95% less harmful than tobacco. Its latest report encourages smokers to continue to use regulated nicotine atomized products. The United Kingdom believes that vape is a friend rather than an enemy. Obviously useful to them, we can all learn from it."