Zero nicotine Vape control effect
Views: 388 Update date: Apr 27,2019
If a large number of unwilling or unable to quit smoking on their own can immediately use an alternative low-cost nicotine substitute and eventually stop using it, the public health sector will usher in a major contemporary achievement. However, in this case only in the nicotine-dependent population, the number of mild or non-smokers is no longer higher than the number of smokers, and eventually reduced to zero to be implemented. Whether zero nicotine Vape can do this remains to be confirmed.
The report certifies the widespread use of nicotine substitutes until final dismissal is indeed a major achievement in public health, but there are still problems that can only be achieved if the new nicotine intake does not exceed the number of smokers. In fact, adult nicotine smokers (unlike smokers) have fewer health problems, even using the nicotine epidemic, but also need to have predictable reductions in smokers that will likely create a lot of benefits for public health. Similarly, the new nicotine intake does not exceed the smoker's additional condition is not appropriate and not so beneficial, because the addiction to nicotine itself represents a health injury is basically not proportional to smoking.
In theory, if the cost of eradicating smoking is 100% nicotine addiction to smokers and the inability to use medically measured nicotine, public health will eventually make great progress. If Vape's hazard is 5% of tobacco, it is estimated that 80% of non-smokers will try Vape-like products, and if Vape's hazard is 25% of tobacco, 30% of non-smokers will experience all Public health hazards. According to the relationship between Vape's hazards and tobacco, people who have never taken nicotine remain healthy after using Vape in large quantities. This is not to say that the use of nicotine is recognized, but rather that reducing the benefits of smoking for public health far outweighs the damage caused by increasing the amount of nicotine.
It also states that Vape's role in reducing tobacco hazards and public health disputes, especially now, is increasingly recognized as the potential benefits of Vape far outweigh its hazards. In the UK, for example, a consensus has been reached among various health agencies to promote the use of Vape to reduce the prevalence of smoking.
The Vape and Tobacco trends in the UK support this claim: by the second half of 2016, the use of Vape has reached a daily number of approximately 13% of smokers (this number is more than one million), while Vape The increase in use is also accompanied by a steady decline in smoking, which is particularly evident (and surprisingly large) between 2014 and 2015. Observations on the relationship between Vape use and smoking cessation show that although Vape smokers seem to be more difficult to quit than smokers who use medical methods in combination with behavioral support and drug therapy, Vape's superiority is sufficient to offset its cessation. The lower efficiency of the aspect.
In the period of sluggish investment activity of the mass media, there has been a sharp drop in the number of British smokers who have recently paid attention to. At the same time, service rectification has also ruined medical cessation. Therefore, the use of Vape may weaken the prevalence of smoking in the UK. Created a major achievement.
Contrary to stopping smoking growth, paragraph 5 does not focus on the effectiveness of other tobacco control policies to promote smoking cessation. An analysis of smoking prevalence in the UK-born group clearly confirms that the popularity of smoking in the UK has decreased significantly over the decades, and the implementation of detailed and thorough tobacco control policies has achieved initial success in controlling young smokers. During this period, the smoking cessation rate of the old smokers did not increase significantly.
This finding highlights the need for new policies and new ways for old smokers to quit. Since the development of NRT 40 years ago, Vape has become the first new consumer technology to emerge in this area; smokers have also confirmed Vape as an important supplement to the potential for more traditional and established tobacco control.